Tuesday, March 31, 2009

we came to dance with the girls with the stars in their eyes

so there is a lovely book that I have called "14000 things to be happy about." by barbara ann kipfer

its the cutest thing ever so I will quote a page here

"blueberry pancakes made with stoneground whole-wheat flour, granulated sugar, homogenized milk, and blueberries
country-crusted breads
a county fair wheeling by in a Technicolor blur of sawdust and cotton candy
gluing a puzzle onto a cookie tin
having the ducks at the zoo eat the bread you've thrown at them
buying a hat, gloves, and boots for a three-year-old
pizza bricks
J & B Scotch
'101 Dalmatians' (story)
Amish quilts in a double wedding ring pattern
T.B.A = to be avoided
a Barbie Doll lunch box
a Crayola beginner's set
'I love you'
khaki and wheat colors
eating peas with a fork
Texas toast: thick slices of white bread brushed with butter and grilled
ivy-leaved toadflax stretching to a bank of wild strawberries
playpen toys
roast pork, fried potatoes, baked tomatoes" (page 219)

...it is my favourite book of all time :)

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