well the year is winding down... but I think I've been saying that for a while...
I have 2 exams left and a 19th birthday to survive before my summer begins :) (haha the picture is literally what I look like when I am studying)
so funny story... I have had a single room to myself all year and now I have a roommate! :) she hasn't really been around but thats okay I have cleared the whole half of my room for her so she is welcome to come crash whenever she pleases
it was my other friends birthday 2 days ago so happy birthday chewie! :) so to celebrate we went to our favourite bar because they always play rap on fridays... however we get there and the d.j doesn't play a single rap song! I love all types of music... country, rock, rap, pop even some classical and screamo... but not techno... I can't dance to it, I can't do anything... and it all sounds the same to me... and guess what the d.j played all night. ugh... but it was fun :)
...and my obsession with buffy continues... I am currently on the third season and 4th disc of 6... can I be a bigger loser? haha I think so...
... my friend aladdin and I have decided that we are going to be hippies next year... wear hemp clothing, grow our hair out long... (and possibly get dreds... its doubtful though)... and I am quite excited... I think Ill make the transition quite easily...
I'd like to point out that the weather lately has been beautiful!
I don't know if anyone has noticed but I am so pumped for the summer... not only and I going to the best place ever for the 7th summer in a row... but I am also working at a camp for kids with mental disabilities for a weekend and I might tree plant for a month... but that is still up in the air... my friends at home might hate me for life because none of those places are in toronto... sorry guys!
ReplyDeletethat is all.